Which three signals does broad match use to match Search ads with queries?



Smart Bidding



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Explanation: Which three signals does broad match use to match Search ads with queries?

Explanation: The selected answers, **'Language,' 'Geographic,'** and **'Smart Bidding,'** accurately outline the signals that broad match utilizes to match Search ads with queries. Firstly, language is a crucial signal used by broad match to ensure that ads are displayed to users who speak the same language as the ad content, thus enhancing relevance and targeting effectiveness. Secondly, geographic signals are employed to match ads with queries based on the location of the user, enabling advertisers to target audiences in specific regions or areas where their products or services are available or relevant. This geographical targeting helps improve ad relevance and increases the likelihood of generating qualified leads or conversions. Lastly, Smart Bidding, a machine learning-powered bidding strategy, is another significant signal leveraged by broad match to optimize ad placement and bid amounts based on various factors such as user intent, device type, demographics, and historical performance data. By incorporating Smart Bidding signals, broad match ensures that ads are shown to users who are most likely to engage with them, thereby maximizing campaign effectiveness and return on investment. Overall, understanding and leveraging these signals are essential for advertisers to effectively utilize broad match and achieve their advertising objectives by reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time and place.

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