You manage marketing for a small business on a tight budget and you need to drive as many conversions as possible. In which two ways can Google Ads help?

Google can automatically adjust your daily budget through AI to keep in alignment with your performance goals.

Google can help you set a fixed daily budget to align with your marketing goals and maximize your performance.

Google has Smart Bidding strategies to help you maximize conversions at your average daily budget goals.

Google's planning, campaign setup, and optimization tools can help set an average daily budget for your goals.

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Explanation: You manage marketing for a small business on a tight budget and you need to drive as many conversions as possible. In which two ways can Google Ads help?

Explanation: The selected answer options are correct because **Google has Smart Bidding strategies to help you maximize conversions at your average daily budget goals**, allowing the small business to automatically optimize bids for conversions based on real-time data, thus making the most of a limited budget. Additionally, **Google's planning, campaign setup, and optimization tools can help set an average daily budget for your goals**, providing guidance on how to allocate resources effectively to achieve desired outcomes. Together, these features enable the business to strategically manage its budget while focusing on driving conversions efficiently.

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