Which two statements describe what makes Shopping campaigns different from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Shopping ads are manually generated.

Shopping campaigns are organized by ad groups instead of products groups.

Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups.

Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords.

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below. Learn Smarter, not Harder.

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Explanation: Which two statements describe what makes Shopping campaigns different from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Explanation: The correct responses are: **Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups** and **Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords**. Unlike Search campaigns, where advertisers use keywords to trigger their ads, Shopping campaigns rely on product information provided in the Merchant Center feed to determine when and where ads are displayed. This means that Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups, allowing advertisers to group products based on various attributes such as category, brand, or custom labels. By organizing campaigns in this way, advertisers can apply different bidding strategies and optimization techniques to specific product segments, maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts. Additionally, since Shopping campaigns rely on product data rather than keywords, the success of these campaigns is largely dependent on the quality and relevance of the product information provided in the Merchant Center feed. Advertisers must ensure that their product data is accurate, up-to-date, and optimized to align with user search queries and preferences, allowing their ads to appear for relevant product-related searches and drive qualified traffic to their website. Therefore, selecting **Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups** and **Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords** accurately reflects the key differences that distinguish Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns, emphasizing the importance of product data and organization in optimizing campaign performance and results.

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