Which two statements capture what differentiates Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups.

Shopping ads are manually generated.

Shopping campaigns are organized by ad groups instead of products groups.

Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords.

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below. Learn Smarter, not Harder.

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Explanation: Which two statements capture what differentiates Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Explanation: The correct answers are **Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups** and **Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords**. Shopping campaigns differ from Search campaigns in fundamental ways. Firstly, Shopping campaigns are structured around product groups rather than ad groups, allowing advertisers to organize and optimize their product listings more efficiently based on various attributes such as category, brand, or price. This enables advertisers to have better control and granularity over their campaign structure, ensuring that the right products are shown to the right audience. Secondly, unlike Search campaigns that rely on keywords to trigger ads, Shopping campaigns utilize product information from the Merchant Center feed. This means that instead of bidding on specific keywords, advertisers optimize their product feed with relevant attributes like titles, descriptions, and images, allowing Google's algorithms to match products to user queries based on relevance and context. As a result, Shopping campaigns are more product-centric and offer a more visually appealing and informative ad format, making them particularly effective for e-commerce businesses looking to showcase their products to potential customers. Therefore, selecting **Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups** and **Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords** accurately highlights the key differences between Shopping and Search campaigns, emphasizing their unique structures and reliance on product data for ad targeting and delivery.

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