Which two statements accurately convey what differentiates Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Shopping campaigns are organized by ad groups instead of products groups.

Shopping ads are manually generated.

Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords.

Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups.

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below. Learn Smarter, not Harder.

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Explanation: Which two statements accurately convey what differentiates Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns? Choose two. Select 2 Correct Responses

Explanation: The selected answers accurately differentiate Shopping campaigns from Search campaigns based on their key characteristics. Firstly, **'Shopping campaigns rely on product information instead of keywords'** highlights a fundamental distinction between the two campaign types. In Shopping campaigns, advertisers provide detailed product information, such as product titles, descriptions, and attributes, which Google uses to match relevant products to user searches, rather than relying on specific keywords. This product-centric approach allows for more precise targeting and ensures that ads are displayed to users searching for products similar to those offered by the advertiser. Secondly, **'Shopping campaigns are organized by product groups'** contrasts with Search campaigns, which are typically organized by ad groups based on keywords. In Shopping campaigns, advertisers organize their product listings into product groups, allowing for more granular control over bidding and targeting based on product attributes, categories, or custom criteria. This structure enables advertisers to tailor their campaign strategies to specific product segments and optimize performance accordingly. Therefore, these two statements accurately capture the distinguishing features of Shopping campaigns, emphasizing their reliance on product information and organization by product groups, which set them apart from Search campaigns.

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