Judy is in the process of conducting conversion rate optimization (CRO) for their business, Stovesy. Judy understands that the first step in the CRO process is to identify opportunities on Stovesy's site and app. Carrying out quantitative and qualitative research achieves this outcome. Which of the following insights are part of quantitative research when it comes to CRO?

Data insights

Competitive insights

User insights

Brand insights

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Explanation: Judy is in the process of conducting conversion rate optimization (CRO) for their business, Stovesy. Judy understands that the first step in the CRO process is to identify opportunities on Stovesy’s site and app. Carrying out quantitative and qualitative research achieves this outcome. Which of the following insights are part of quantitative research when it comes to CRO?

Explanation: Data insights are a fundamental component of quantitative research in conversion rate optimization (CRO) because they involve the analysis of numerical data collected from user interactions on Stovesy's site and app. This includes metrics such as page views, click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversion rates, which provide measurable evidence of user behavior. By focusing on these data-driven insights, Judy can identify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement that can inform effective strategies for enhancing the overall performance of the website and increasing conversion rates.

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