Contoso Coffee chain of coffee shops is eager to ensure they bid on the brand keyword 'Contoso Coffee'. Why? Select one option.

Matched queries are likely to be from customers interested in any coffee shop chain.

They target a broad pool of shoppers.

Brand keywords target a broad pool of customers interested in a product category or type.

They specify an exact location.

Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Search Advertising learning path certification

Explanation: The correct answer is Matched queries are likely to be from customers interested in any coffee shop chain. Bidding on the brand keyword ‘Contoso Coffee’ is essential for Contoso Coffee chain because it ensures that their ads are displayed when users specifically search for their brand. By targeting their brand keyword, Contoso Coffee increases the likelihood of capturing the attention of users who are already familiar with their brand and are actively seeking information about their coffee shops. This strategy enables Contoso Coffee to maintain a competitive edge in the market by intercepting potential customers who have already expressed interest in their brand, products, or services. Moreover, bidding on the brand keyword helps Contoso Coffee to protect its brand identity and prevent competitors from occupying the search results when users search for their brand name. Therefore, bidding on the brand keyword ‘Contoso Coffee’ ensures that Contoso Coffee can effectively reach and engage with its target audience, making it the correct answer option.

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