When using Google Import, which of the following may be modified automatically as part of the import process? Select all that apply.

Location target

Negative keyword match type

Ad title

Sitelink extensions

Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Search Advertising learning path certification

Explanation: The selected answers, ‘Location target’ and ‘Negative keyword match type,’ are correct. When utilizing Google Import to transfer campaigns from Google Ads to Microsoft Advertising, certain elements may be automatically modified to align with Microsoft Advertising’s platform and policies. Location targeting settings, such as geographic targeting parameters, may be adjusted to ensure consistency and compliance with Microsoft Advertising’s location targeting options. Similarly, negative keyword match types may be automatically adjusted during the import process to match Microsoft Advertising’s negative keyword match types, ensuring that negative keywords function effectively across both platforms. These automatic modifications streamline the campaign import process and help maintain campaign performance and relevance across platforms. However, ad titles and sitelink extensions typically require manual review and adjustment post-import to optimize messaging and enhance ad performance for the Microsoft Advertising network. Understanding how Google Import handles different campaign elements is crucial for advertisers looking to efficiently transition their campaigns between platforms while maintaining campaign effectiveness and relevance.

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