Willow Sporting Goods are concerned that a lot of their ads are being blocked from showing. They believe this is due to keywords that have been set up to prevent ads from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. Which report should they run? Select one option.

Negative keyword conflict report

Share of Voice report

Billing Statement report

Search Term report

Certification program: 👉 Microsoft Search Advertising learning path certification

Explanation: The correct report that Willow Sporting Goods should run to address their concern about ads being blocked from showing due to keywords set up to prevent triggering by a certain word or phrase is the Negative keyword conflict report. This report provides valuable insights into instances where ads have been blocked or prevented from appearing due to conflicts with negative keywords. Negative keywords are specific terms or phrases that advertisers add to their campaigns to prevent their ads from being triggered by irrelevant or undesirable searches. By running the Negative keyword conflict report, Willow Sporting Goods can identify which negative keywords are causing their ads to be blocked and evaluate whether adjustments are needed to their negative keyword lists. This report helps advertisers ensure that their ads are shown to the most relevant and valuable audience while minimizing wasteful spending on irrelevant clicks. Conversely, the Share of Voice report provides insights into the visibility and competitiveness of an advertiser’s ads compared to competitors, the Billing Statement report details the financial transactions and charges associated with the advertising account, and the Search Term report provides information on the specific search terms that triggered the ads. Therefore, selecting the Negative keyword conflict report aligns with Willow Sporting Goods’ objective of addressing ad blocking issues caused by negative keywords and optimizing their advertising campaigns in Microsoft Search Advertising.

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