As a marketing director at a large company, Cara's considering launching a Google Display Ads campaign, as it will let her reach global internet users across as many websites and apps as possible. What's another benefit a Google Display Ads campaign will provide Cara?

It can always be used as a Shopping campaign.

It makes it possible for her to engage with valuable audiences quickly and often.

It can sometimes be used as a Shopping campaign.

It allows her to collect statistical usage data from the websites where her ad appears.

Certification program: 👉 Google Display Ads Certification Exam"

Explanation: Another benefit a Google Display Ads campaign will provide Cara, the marketing director at a large company, is that it makes it possible for her to engage with valuable audiences quickly and often. Display advertising offers extensive reach across a diverse range of websites, mobile apps, and video content on the Google Display Network (GDN), enabling advertisers to connect with global internet users across various touchpoints in their online journey. By leveraging the vast reach of the GDN, Cara can effectively reach and engage with valuable audiences at scale, increasing brand visibility, awareness, and consideration among her target audience. Display ads can be tailored to specific audience demographics, interests, behaviors, and intent signals, allowing Cara to deliver relevant and personalized messaging to users who are most likely to be interested in her company’s products or services. Furthermore, the frequency with which display ads are shown across different websites and apps helps reinforce brand messaging and increase brand recall, leading to higher levels of engagement and interaction with the target audience over time. Therefore, selecting the option highlighting the ability of Google Display Ads campaigns to engage with valuable audiences quickly and often accurately reflects one of the key benefits of display advertising for Cara, enabling her to effectively reach and connect with her target audience on a global scale.

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