Bill wants to reach valuable, relevant audiences and engage with them quickly and often with his ads. How will creating a Display Ads campaign allow him to reach his goal?

It allows him to isolate valuable audiences regionally and convert local sales the first time his ad is seen.

It allows him to identify valuable audiences and collect statistical usage data from the websites where his ad appears.

It allows her to reach over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites.

It allows him to select for new audiences and scale down his advertising to appear on specific websites that he chooses.

Certification program: 👉 Google Display Ads Certification Exam"

Explanation: The correct answer option is: It allows him to reach over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites. Creating a Display Ads campaign offers Bill a vast reach across a broad spectrum of internet users, encompassing over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites. This extensive reach ensures that his ads have the potential to engage with a diverse range of audiences, allowing him to target valuable and relevant users who are likely to be interested in his products or services. By leveraging the Display Ads platform, Bill can quickly and frequently engage with these audiences, enhancing brand awareness, driving traffic to his website, and ultimately increasing conversions. Additionally, the vast reach of Display Ads enables Bill to scale his advertising efforts effectively, ensuring that his ads are seen by a large number of potential customers, thereby maximizing his campaign’s impact and effectiveness.

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