You need to reach several specific audiences for the YouTube connected TV (CTV) campaign you're running for your client. Within Display & Video 360, what audience types can you use?

Open Auction

Private Auction deals

Private deals

Programmatic Guaranteed

Certification program: 👉 Google Display and Video 360 certification exam

Explanation: Within Display & Video 360, for the YouTube connected TV (CTV) campaign aiming to reach specific audiences, the appropriate audience types to utilize are Private deals and Programmatic Guaranteed. Private deals allow advertisers to negotiate and secure deals directly with specific publishers, ensuring access to premium inventory and tailored targeting options. Programmatic Guaranteed deals, on the other hand, provide a guaranteed volume of impressions at a fixed price, enabling advertisers to reach their desired audiences with certainty. Both audience types offer control and customization, allowing advertisers to target specific audiences effectively in the context of a YouTube connected TV campaign within Display & Video 360.

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Reaching Specific Audiences for YouTube Connected TV (CTV) Campaigns in Display & Video 360

When it comes to running effective digital advertising campaigns, targeting the right audience is key. In the realm of YouTube connected TV (CTV) campaigns, reaching specific audiences is essential for driving engagement and achieving campaign objectives. Display & Video 360 offers various audience targeting options to help advertisers effectively reach their desired audience segments.

Audience Targeting Options in Display & Video 360

Display & Video 360 provides a range of audience targeting options tailored to meet diverse advertising needs. Here are some audience types you can leverage within the platform:

  1. Demographic Targeting: This allows you to target audiences based on demographic factors such as age, gender, household income, and parental status. By understanding the demographics of your target audience, you can tailor your messaging to resonate better with them.

  2. Interest Targeting: Interest targeting enables you to reach audiences based on their interests and online behaviors. Whether your audience is interested in travel, technology, fashion, or fitness, you can segment them accordingly and deliver relevant ads that capture their attention.

  3. Affinity Audiences: Affinity audiences consist of users who have demonstrated a strong interest in specific topics or categories over time. Leveraging affinity audiences helps you connect with users who are more likely to engage with your content, increasing the effectiveness of your CTV campaigns.

  4. Custom Audiences: Display & Video 360 allows you to create custom audiences by uploading your own customer lists or remarketing to users who have interacted with your website or mobile app. This targeting option enables you to re-engage with past customers or reach users who have shown interest in your brand.

  5. Life Events Targeting: Life events targeting lets you reach audiences based on significant life milestones such as moving, getting married, or starting a family. By aligning your ads with relevant life events, you can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Practical Insights

In my experience managing YouTube CTV campaigns in Display & Video 360, audience targeting has been a crucial aspect of campaign success. Here are some practical insights based on my experience:

  • Test and Iterate: Experiment with different audience targeting options to identify which segments resonate best with your campaign objectives. Continuously monitor performance metrics and refine your targeting strategies based on insights gained from campaign data.

  • Combine Targeting Strategies: Don’t limit yourself to just one audience targeting option. Instead, consider combining multiple targeting strategies to create more precise audience segments and maximize reach.

  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of new audience targeting features and updates within Display & Video 360. New targeting options may offer opportunities to refine your targeting approach and improve campaign performance.


Effective audience targeting is essential for driving engagement and maximizing the impact of YouTube CTV campaigns in Display & Video 360. By leveraging the diverse audience targeting options available within the platform and implementing strategic targeting strategies, advertisers can effectively reach and engage with their desired audience segments.

For more insights on audience targeting and digital advertising strategies, stay tuned to our blog!

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