You're reviewing impressions for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal in Display & Video 360 that you launched last week and notice that it under-delivered. What should you do first to learn why that happened?

See if the line item has multiple targeting assigned.

Use the Deal Troubleshooter.

Review the campaign-level targeting.

Contact the publisher.

Certification program: 👉 Google Display and Video 360 certification exam

Explanation: The correct initial step to take when reviewing under-delivered impressions for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal in Display & Video 360, as per the Google Display and Video 360 certification context, is to Use the Deal Troubleshooter. The Deal Troubleshooter is a tool designed to provide insights into potential issues affecting deal delivery. By utilizing this feature, advertisers can quickly identify and address the reasons behind the under-delivery. It allows for a systematic and efficient investigation of potential problems within the deal setup, targeting, or other factors that may have contributed to the under-performance. This proactive approach enables advertisers to troubleshoot and resolve issues promptly, ensuring the optimal delivery of impressions and maximizing the effectiveness of Programmatic Guaranteed deals.

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Troubleshooting Under-Delivered Programmatic Guaranteed Deals in Display & Video 360

As a digital marketer, ensuring that your advertising campaigns meet their delivery goals is crucial for achieving your desired outcomes. However, encountering under-delivery in Programmatic Guaranteed deals is not uncommon. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you should take to investigate and address under-delivery issues in Display & Video 360.

Assessing Under-Delivery

When you launch a Programmatic Guaranteed deal in Display & Video 360 and notice under-delivery, it’s essential to act swiftly to identify the underlying causes. Under-delivery occurs when the actual number of impressions delivered falls short of the expected volume outlined in the deal terms. Understanding why this happened is the first step toward finding a solution.

Investigating Under-Delivery

To pinpoint the reasons for under-delivery in your Programmatic Guaranteed deal, here are some steps you should take:

  1. Review Deal Setup: Start by reviewing the deal setup in Display & Video 360. Ensure that the targeting criteria, ad creatives, and other deal parameters are configured correctly. Any misconfigurations in the deal setup could contribute to under-delivery.

  2. Check Inventory Availability: Assess whether there are sufficient ad impressions available within the selected targeting criteria. Insufficient inventory availability can lead to under-delivery, especially if demand exceeds supply in specific audience segments or time periods.

  3. Evaluate Bid Strategy: Evaluate your bid strategy to determine if it aligns with market conditions and competition. Adjusting your bid strategy, such as increasing bid amounts or expanding targeting parameters, may help address under-delivery issues.

  4. Monitor Performance Metrics: Analyze performance metrics such as impression delivery, fill rate, and pacing to identify any anomalies or trends that could explain the under-delivery. Look for fluctuations in traffic patterns or discrepancies between forecasted and actual impressions.

  5. Communicate with Partners: Reach out to your publisher or supply-side platform (SSP) partners to gather insights and troubleshoot under-delivery issues collaboratively. They may provide valuable information about inventory availability, demand trends, or technical issues affecting impression delivery.

Personal Experience

In my experience as a digital marketer, I’ve encountered under-delivery issues in Programmatic Guaranteed deals on several occasions. One memorable instance involved a deal targeting a specific audience segment where under-delivery occurred due to unexpectedly high demand from competing advertisers. By promptly adjusting our bid strategy and collaborating with our SSP partners, we were able to mitigate the under-delivery and ensure the campaign met its delivery goals.


Under-delivery in Programmatic Guaranteed deals can be a challenging issue to address, but by following a systematic approach to investigation and troubleshooting, advertisers can identify the root causes and implement corrective measures effectively. By reviewing deal setup, assessing inventory availability, evaluating bid strategy, monitoring performance metrics, and communicating with partners, advertisers can optimize their campaigns and maximize delivery outcomes in Display & Video 360.

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