You're working for a car manufacturer and want to see how many users who first saw your ad on mobile devices ended up purchasing cars from their desktop computers. What type of Display & Video 360 measurement should you review?

Same-device measurement

Cross-environment conversions

Conversion tracking

Open measurement software development kit (SDK)

Certification program: 👉 Google Display and Video 360 certification exam

Explanation: Cross-environment conversions. To measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaign across different devices, particularly from mobile to desktop, you should review “Cross-environment conversions” in Display & Video 360. Cross-environment conversions allow you to track user actions and conversions that occur across various devices, providing insights into the cross-device customer journey. This measurement is crucial for understanding how users transition between mobile and desktop platforms after interacting with your ads on mobile devices. By analyzing cross-environment conversions, you can gain valuable data on the impact of your campaign and optimize strategies to enhance the overall user experience and drive more conversions across different device types.

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Imagine this: you’re scrolling through Instagram on your phone and see an ad for a sleek new car. Intrigued, you click and visit the car manufacturer’s website. Later, at home, you switch to your laptop and delve deeper into car specifications, brochures, and financing options. Finally, convinced and excited, you make the purchase: a brand new car, initially sparked by a mobile ad encounter.

This multi-device journey is increasingly common, blurring the lines between where marketing efforts begin and conversions happen. As a car manufacturer, understanding this cross-device behavior is crucial to optimize your marketing campaigns and measure their true effectiveness.

In this blog post, we’ll tackle a question frequently asked by marketers: “How can I track users who saw my ad on mobile and later converted on desktop using Display & Video 360?” We’ll delve into the specific measurement you need to review and share practical insights based on industry best practices and even some personal experiences from the trenches.

The Measurement You Need: Cross-Environment Conversions

Display & Video 360 offers a powerful metric called “Cross-environment conversions.” This metric tracks conversions that occur on a different device (in this case, desktop) from where the initial ad impression happened (mobile). It provides valuable insights into the multi-device user journey and helps you understand how your mobile advertising efforts contribute to conversions across devices.

Here’s how to access and utilize this metric:

  1. Navigate to the “Reporting” section within Display & Video 360.
  2. Select the campaign or ad group you want to analyze.
  3. Under the “Conversions” section, choose “Cross-environment conversions.”

This metric will show you the number of conversions that originated from mobile ad impressions but were ultimately completed on desktops. You can further segment the data by various factors like conversion type, time lag between ad exposure and conversion, and even device model used for conversion.

Practical Insights & Industry Best Practices

Now, let’s explore some practical insights and best practices to leverage this measurement effectively:

  1. Analyze the contribution of mobile ads to overall conversions: Don’t solely focus on mobile-specific conversions. Cross-environment conversions paint a broader picture, revealing how mobile ads contribute to the overall sales funnel, even if the final purchase happens on another device.

  2. Identify high-performing mobile placements: Analyze which mobile placements drive the most cross-environment conversions. This helps you understand where your mobile audience is most receptive and tailor your campaigns accordingly.

  3. Optimize for cross-device journeys: Use insights from cross-environment conversions to create seamless cross-device user experiences. Implement features like cart sharing, saved items, and consistent branding across devices to ensure a smooth transition from mobile ad exposure to desktop conversion.

  4. Leverage attribution models: Consider using attribution models like “position-based” or “data-driven” that account for touchpoints across devices, giving a fairer weight to mobile ads in the conversion journey.

  5. Personal Experience: In my experience working with automotive clients, focusing on cross-environment conversions has been instrumental in demonstrating the true value of mobile advertising. By showcasing how mobile ads contribute to final car purchases, we were able to justify increased budgets and optimize campaigns for a more holistic multi-device approach.

By understanding and utilizing cross-environment conversions, you can gain valuable insights into the intricate dance between mobile advertising and desktop conversions. This empowers you to optimize your marketing efforts, maximize return on investment, and ultimately reach your target audience effectively across all devices.

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