You're working on a Display & Video 360 campaign and want to change the end date for multiple line items. You decide to make bulk edits using structured data files (SDFs). What should be your first step?

Download an SDF from Display & Video 360.

Make changes to the SDF in Display & Video 360.

Upload the updated SDF to Display & Video 360.

Make changes within the Display & Video 360 account.

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Explanation: Download an SDF from Display & Video 360. When wanting to change the end date for multiple line items in a Display & Video 360 campaign using structured data files (SDFs), the first step is to download an SDF from Display & Video 360. The structured data file serves as a spreadsheet template containing information about line items, insertion orders, and other campaign details. After downloading the SDF, you can make the necessary edits to the end dates in the spreadsheet. Once the edits are complete, you can upload the updated SDF back into Display & Video 360 to apply the changes across the multiple line items efficiently. This process allows for bulk editing and ensures a streamlined way to make campaign adjustments.

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Streamlining Campaign Management: Bulk Edits with Display & Video 360 Using Structured Data Files (SDFs)

Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to managing digital advertising campaigns. Whether you’re running a small-scale initiative or orchestrating a comprehensive strategy across multiple channels, the ability to make bulk edits swiftly can save valuable time and resources. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of making bulk edits to a Display & Video 360 (DV360) campaign using structured data files (SDFs) and delve into practical insights to streamline your campaign management workflow.

Understanding the Challenge

Imagine you’re overseeing a DV360 campaign comprising several line items, and you need to adjust the end date for multiple line items simultaneously. Manually modifying each line item can be time-consuming and prone to errors. To tackle this challenge efficiently, you opt to leverage structured data files (SDFs) for bulk edits.

Initiating Bulk Edits with SDFs: The First Step

When embarking on the journey of making bulk edits to your DV360 campaign using SDFs, your first step should be to prepare the necessary structured data files. Here’s a breakdown of the initial steps involved:

1. Export Campaign Data

Start by exporting the campaign data from DV360 in a structured format compatible with SDFs. Navigate to the appropriate section within the DV360 interface, and select the option to export campaign details in a suitable file format.

2. Structure the Data

Once you’ve obtained the exported campaign data, organize it in a structured format that aligns with the requirements of SDFs. This may involve arranging the data into columns or fields representing the necessary parameters for making bulk edits, such as line item IDs and updated end dates.

3. Validate and Format

Before proceeding with bulk edits, thoroughly validate the structured data to ensure accuracy and consistency. Verify that all required fields are populated correctly and adhere to the designated formatting guidelines specified for SDFs.

4. Make Edits

With the structured data files prepared and validated, proceed to make the necessary edits, such as adjusting the end dates for the targeted line items. Update the relevant fields with the desired values, ensuring precision and attention to detail.

5. Upload and Apply Changes

Once the edits have been finalized in the structured data files, upload them back into DV360 to apply the changes. Follow the prompts within the DV360 interface to import the modified SDFs and execute the bulk edits seamlessly.

Personal Insights

Having navigated the realm of digital advertising for several years, I’ve encountered various challenges associated with campaign management and optimization. Leveraging structured data files (SDFs) for bulk edits has been a game-changer in streamlining workflows and enhancing operational efficiency. By consolidating data in a structured format and utilizing automated processes, we’ve been able to expedite the execution of campaign adjustments while minimizing the risk of errors.


In the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, the ability to make swift and precise edits to campaign parameters is indispensable. By harnessing the power of structured data files (SDFs) for bulk edits in Display & Video 360 (DV360), advertisers can streamline their campaign management processes and drive greater efficiency. By following the outlined steps and leveraging practical insights, you can elevate your campaign management workflow and achieve optimal results with ease.

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