Based on analysis of their marketing data, a web development business has determined that the highest-value consumers reach out via an interest form on their website. The firm wants more potential users to submit this form. Which campaign objective aligns with this business's goals?

Product and brand consideration

Website traffic


Brand awareness and reach

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Explanation: Aligning campaign objectives with specific business goals is crucial for driving desired outcomes. In the case of the web development business aiming to increase submissions of the interest form on their website, the correct option, ‘Leads,’ is the most suitable campaign objective. This objective focuses on generating potential customers who express interest in the business’s offerings by submitting forms, signing up for newsletters, or providing contact information. By selecting the ‘Leads’ objective, the web development firm can optimize their campaign to prioritize actions that directly contribute to expanding their pool of high-value consumers. Unlike other objectives like ‘Product and brand consideration,’ ‘Website traffic,’ or ‘Brand awareness and reach,’ which may not necessarily focus on driving specific actions or engagements that lead to direct business opportunities, the ‘Leads’ objective aligns perfectly with the firm’s goal of increasing form submissions from potential users. Therefore, selecting this objective enables the business to efficiently allocate resources and efforts towards generating valuable leads, ultimately driving growth and success.

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