What do you primarily learn when setting up conversions for a Google Ad?

You learn which bidding strategy ensures that your campaign will meet your specific goal

You learn if potential customers are becoming paying customers by tracking their actions

You learn how narrow or broad your audience targeting should be

You learn what your daily budget should be and how much you should spend each day

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: When setting up conversions for a Google Ad, the primary learning is centered around whether potential customers are transitioning into paying customers by tracking their actions. Conversion tracking allows advertisers to monitor and analyze user interactions with their ad, providing insights into the effectiveness of the campaign in generating desired outcomes. By understanding the actions users take after clicking on the ad, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form, advertisers gain valuable data to assess the conversion rate and overall campaign success. This information guides strategic decisions, enabling advertisers to optimize their campaigns based on real customer behavior and refine their approach to maximize the likelihood of conversions.

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