Which factors should a marketer consider when selecting social media platforms? Select all that apply.

How different platforms work

Overall business goals

The time of year

The target audience

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: When selecting social media platforms, a marketer should consider several factors to ensure an effective strategy. Understanding how different platforms work is essential for tailoring content and engagement strategies to each platform’s unique features. Aligning with overall business goals ensures that social media efforts contribute directly to the broader objectives of the company. Additionally, considering the target audience is crucial; different demographics and interests are present on various platforms, so choosing the ones most frequented by the target audience maximizes reach and engagement. While the time of year may influence specific campaigns, it is not a primary factor in selecting social media platforms for long-term strategy. Therefore, factors such as platform functionality, business goals, and target audience play pivotal roles in the decision-making process.

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