Which of the following applies to SEO? Select all that apply.

Website structure does not affect SEO and the ranking of each web page.

Find the keywords that are most relevant for your audience and products and make sure they're part of your content.

SEO has no disadvantages or guidelines to follow when creating an SEO strategy.

Quality content is useful because it helps customers and tends to rank better in SERPs.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: finding relevant keywords and incorporating them into content is a fundamental SEO practice. This ensures alignment with user intent and enhances the discoverability of the content on search engine results pages (SERPs). On the contrary, the statements suggesting that website structure does not affect SEO and that SEO has no disadvantages or guidelines are inaccurate. Furthermore, emphasizing that quality content is useful because it helps customers and tends to rank better in SERPs underscores the significance of valuable and relevant content in achieving higher search engine rankings.

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