Which of the following best describes a customer who is in the loyalty stage?

They are comparing prices and asking for recommendations.

They want to know more about the product.

They are learning about the product.

They share how great the product is with family and friends.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: They share how great the product is with family and friends. best describes a customer who is in the loyalty stage. In the loyalty stage of the marketing funnel, customers have already made purchases and developed a positive perception of the product or brand. They become advocates by sharing their positive experiences with others, contributing to word-of-mouth marketing. This stage goes beyond exploring or learning about the product (consideration stage) or comparing prices (consideration/decision stage) and focuses on building a lasting relationship with the brand. Unlike other options that relate to earlier stages of the funnel, customers in the loyalty stage actively promote the product to their social circles, showcasing a strong connection and satisfaction with the brand.

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