Which of the following best describes brand equity?

The number of customers that purchase a brand’s primary asset, like a product or service

How a company communicates its values and culture

The value customers give to a brand’s offerings when compared with similar products from another brand

How a company is thought of by the public

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: Brand equity is best described as the value customers give to a brand’s offerings when compared with similar products from another brand. It represents the perceived value and goodwill that a brand has earned over time, influencing consumers’ choices based on their positive associations, experiences, and loyalty to the brand. Unlike the number of customers or how a company communicates its values, brand equity is centered on the customer’s perception of the brand’s distinctiveness and the added value they attribute to its products or services compared to alternatives in the market. This concept encapsulates the intangible assets and reputation a brand accrues, making it a valuable indicator of a brand’s strength and competitive advantage.

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