Which of the following refers to good website structure and navigation? Select all that apply.

The hierarchy should be flat.

It is easy to use.

It has a high bounce rate.

Every page should only be three, maybe four clicks from the homepage.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: A good website structure and navigation encompass several aspects: 1. The hierarchy should be flat: This suggests that the website’s structure should have a shallow hierarchy, allowing users to navigate easily between pages without navigating through numerous levels. A flat hierarchy enhances user experience and makes information more accessible. 2. It is easy to use: User-friendly navigation is crucial for a positive experience. Intuitive menus, clear labeling, and logical organization contribute to an easy-to-use website that encourages user engagement and satisfaction. 3. Every page should only be three, maybe four clicks from the homepage: This emphasizes the importance of keeping the website’s content within a few clicks from the homepage. This ensures that users can reach their desired information quickly without navigating through an excessive number of pages, contributing to a more efficient and user-centric experience.

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