Which of the following statements are true about data storytelling? Select all that apply.

Data storytelling describes data.

Data storytelling explains data using graphical representations.

Data storytelling debuts new marketing strategies.

Data storytelling details how to take action.

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: Data storytelling describes data: This statement is true. Data storytelling involves presenting data in a narrative format, providing context and meaning to the information being conveyed. Data storytelling explains data using graphical representations: This statement is true. Data storytelling often incorporates graphical representations, such as charts or graphs, to enhance the understanding of complex data and make it more accessible to a wider audience. Data storytelling debuts new marketing strategies: This statement is not true. While data storytelling may highlight insights that lead to strategy adjustments, its primary focus is on presenting and explaining data rather than introducing new strategies. Data storytelling details how to take action: This statement is true. Effective data storytelling goes beyond describing data; it also provides actionable insights, guiding decision-makers on how to interpret the information and take meaningful actions based on the data presented.

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