You are setting up keyword matching for tennis shoes. Your ad also shows for searches that include the meaning of your keyword, such as shoes for tennis, buy tennis shoes on sale, and red tennis shoes. Which keyword match type is this?

Phrase match

Identical match

Wide match

Exact match

Certification program: 👉 Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Explanation: The keyword match type that encompasses searches including the meaning of your specified keyword is “Phrase match.” In this match type, your ad will appear not only for the exact phrase “tennis shoes” but also for variations that include additional words before or after the target phrase. This means that your ad can be triggered by searches like “shoes for tennis,” “buy tennis shoes on sale,” and “red tennis shoes,” as long as the core phrase “tennis shoes” is present. Phrase match provides a balance between specificity and flexibility, capturing a broader audience while still maintaining relevance to the original keyword. It allows advertisers to reach users searching for related terms while ensuring a degree of precision in ad targeting.

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