When a feed contains a column of dynamic clickthrough URLs, what function will a hand-coded creative use?





Certification program: 👉 Google Marketing Platforms Creative certification

Explanation: When a feed contains a column of dynamic clickthrough URLs, a hand-coded creative would utilize Enabler.exitOverride() to manage the exit behavior. This function is specifically designed to handle dynamic clickthrough URLs by allowing the creative to override the default exit URL specified in Studio or Campaign Manager. Using Enabler.exitOverride(), developers can programmatically set and manage the destination URL when a user interacts with the ad, ensuring that the correct dynamic URL from the feed is used based on the specific content or context displayed in the creative. This capability is essential for maintaining relevance and accuracy in advertising campaigns, as it enables advertisers to dynamically adjust and optimize the destination URLs based on campaign objectives, user behavior, or external conditions. By implementing Enabler.exitOverride(), hand-coded creatives can seamlessly integrate dynamic clickthrough URLs from feeds, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness in delivering personalized ad experiences to users. Therefore, Enabler.exitOverride() is the correct function to utilize when working with a feed that contains dynamic clickthrough URLs, ensuring effective management and execution of interactive elements within dynamic creatives in Studio.

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