Which two preview types can be used to generate a dynamic preview? (select two)

Filter by feed element name

Filter by row ID

Filter by dynamic criteria

Filter by reporting label

Certification program: 👉 Google Marketing Platforms Creative certification

Explanation: The two preview types that can be used to generate a dynamic preview in Studio are Filter by row ID and Filter by dynamic criteria. Filter by row ID allows users to specify a unique identifier associated with a specific row or entry in the feed, enabling them to preview how a dynamic creative would appear with the content from that particular row. This method is particularly useful for ensuring accuracy and verifying the presentation of content based on individual data entries within the feed. Filter by dynamic criteria, on the other hand, enables users to preview how the creative would render based on predefined rules or conditions set within the dynamic profile. This preview type allows for testing different scenarios or segments defined by dynamic criteria such as audience demographics, geographic location, or behavioral attributes. By using these preview types, advertisers can simulate and evaluate how dynamic content will be displayed in various scenarios, ensuring that the creative and messaging align effectively with campaign objectives and audience targeting strategies. These functionalities empower users to optimize and fine-tune dynamic creatives before deployment, ultimately enhancing campaign effectiveness and ensuring a seamless user experience across different digital platforms and devices. Therefore, leveraging Filter by row ID and Filter by dynamic criteria for dynamic preview types in Studio supports comprehensive testing and refinement of creatives, facilitating informed decisions and maximizing campaign performance in digital advertising efforts.

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