When you create an app campaign, what information is pulled for you automatically?

Logo, rating, and title

Title, rating, and and number of downloads

Logo, title, and number of downloads

Title, rating, and price

Certification program: 👉 Google Ads Creative Certification Exam

Explanation: When creating an app campaign, the information pulled automatically includes the ‘Logo, rating, and title.’ This automatic retrieval of key app details streamlines the campaign creation process by populating essential elements required for ad creatives. The logo represents the visual identity of the app, allowing for immediate brand recognition and reinforcing its presence across various ad placements. The rating provides social proof and credibility, as users often consider ratings when deciding to download an app. Additionally, the title succinctly communicates the name of the app, ensuring clarity and consistency across all campaign materials. By automatically including these elements, app campaigns can quickly generate ads that are both informative and visually appealing, effectively capturing users’ attention and encouraging them to engage with the promoted app. Unlike options that include unrelated information such as the number of downloads or price, the selected answer focuses on the essential details necessary for creating compelling and effective app ads. Therefore, the automatic inclusion of the logo, rating, and title is the correct information pulled for app campaigns, facilitating efficient campaign setup and optimization.

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