You've decided to run a new Google Video campaign with an awareness goal. Why should you opt into Google Video partners?

Because it can give you access to more engagement metrics to measure the impact of the campaign.

Because it can extend the reach of video ads to YouTube Live streaming and Premieres.

Because it can give you access to engage with audiences on the YouTube mobile homepage.

Because it can extend the reach of video ads to a collection of leading publisher sites and apps.

Certification program: 👉 Google Ads Video Certification Exam

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘Because it can extend the reach of video ads to a collection of leading publisher sites and apps.’ When running a Google Video campaign with an awareness goal, opting into Google Video partners is advantageous as it expands the reach of video ads beyond YouTube to a network of high-traffic publisher sites and apps. These video partners include popular platforms and applications where users consume video content regularly, allowing advertisers to reach a broader audience beyond YouTube’s platform alone. By extending the reach of video ads to leading publisher sites and apps, advertisers can increase brand visibility and exposure to a diverse audience base, driving greater awareness of their products or services. This broader reach enhances the campaign’s effectiveness in achieving its awareness objectives by maximizing the potential for audience engagement and interaction with the video content. Additionally, leveraging Google Video partners provides advertisers with access to additional inventory and placements, enabling them to diversify their ad placements and optimize their reach across multiple touchpoints within their target audience’s digital journey. Therefore, opting into Google Video partners is a strategic decision for advertisers seeking to maximize the reach and impact of their video campaigns, aligning with the goal of raising brand awareness effectively.

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