You're the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at a large retailer where teams have historically worked in silos. Your goal is to incorporate online and offline KPIs into your marketing strategy. Which three of these things should you do when creating a holistic online-to-offline strategy? Choose three.

Encourage siloed organizational structure, budgets, and meetings

Incentivize teams with unified goals and KPIs

Get to know different teams and what they're measuring to track against their goals

Suggest organizational changes to meeting structure, media budgets and KPIs.

Set separate goals and KPIs for each team

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Explanation: To effectively integrate online and offline KPIs into the marketing strategy of a large retailer and break down silos, three crucial actions need to be taken. First, incentivizing teams with unified goals and KPIs is essential as it aligns everyone towards common objectives, fostering collaboration and coherence across departments. This approach ensures that efforts are synchronized, leading to a more cohesive strategy. Second, it’s imperative to get to know different teams and what they’re measuring to track against their goals. Understanding each team’s metrics provides insights into their priorities and challenges, facilitating the identification of synergies and areas for improvement. Lastly, suggesting organizational changes to meeting structure, media budgets, and KPIs is pivotal in breaking down silos. By advocating for a more integrated approach to decision-making processes, resource allocation, and performance evaluation, the organization can adapt to the evolving landscape and maximize effectiveness. Conversely, options like encouraging siloed structures or setting separate goals for each team would perpetuate the existing fragmentation, hindering collaboration and impeding the achievement of overarching business objectives. Therefore, the chosen options emphasize the importance of alignment, collaboration, and adaptability, which are foundational principles for creating a holistic online-to-offline marketing strategy in a retailer facing siloed operations.

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