After you explain the concept of a judicial branch to your CEO, she says, “Great! I’ll have the sales leadership team make that part of their monthly meeting.” How do you respond?

“In the interest of being unbiased, I think it would be better to have the judicial branch made up of people who are outside of the sales and marketing organization.”

“Perfect! We want to make sure the sales team is as involved as possible, and having sales leadership reviewing dropped leads is a great way to start.”

“I think that’s the right group of leaders, but monthly meetings won’t be frequent enough to do the job. Can we have them meet every two weeks instead?”

“The sales leadership shouldn’t be involved. It would be better to have the marketing leadership do this job.”

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Explanation: It’s essential to maintain the integrity and impartiality of the judicial branch, which involves making decisions based on the law rather than personal or corporate interests. Therefore, the correct response is, “In the interest of being unbiased, I think it would be better to have the judicial branch made up of people who are outside of the sales and marketing organization.” By suggesting this, you emphasize the importance of having individuals who are independent of the sales team oversee matters related to the judicial branch. This ensures that decisions made are fair, just, and not influenced by internal biases or conflicts of interest. By keeping the judicial branch separate from the sales and marketing organization, you uphold the principles of fairness and impartiality, which are essential for its effectiveness.

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