Choose all that apply. When should you submit your sitemap to Google and other search engines?

When you first publish your website

When you publish a new web page

When you make a significant change to your site structure

When you redesign your website

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answers are When you first publish your website, When you publish a new web page, When you make a significant change to your site structure, and When you redesign your website. Submitting your sitemap to Google and other search engines is crucial for ensuring that they are aware of your website’s pages and content, allowing them to crawl and index them effectively. When you first publish your website, submitting the sitemap promptly helps search engines discover and index your pages sooner, potentially speeding up the process of appearing in search results. Similarly, when you publish a new web page, submitting its URL through the sitemap ensures that it gets indexed promptly, increasing its visibility to users searching for relevant information. Significant changes to your site structure, such as restructuring URLs or adding/removing sections, can impact how search engines crawl and index your website. Submitting an updated sitemap after such changes ensures that search engines can reflect these modifications accurately in their search results. Similarly, when you redesign your website, submitting a new sitemap helps search engines reevaluate and index your updated pages, preventing any disruption in visibility or ranking. Overall, regularly submitting your sitemap to search engines during these key events ensures that your website’s content remains discoverable and up-to-date in search results, ultimately improving its visibility and accessibility to users.

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