Choose all that apply. Which of these factors will affect your SEO strategy?

How established your business is online

What resources you have to dedicate to SEO

How many followers you have on social media

What industry you're in

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: When devising an SEO strategy, several factors come into play, and how established your business is online is crucial. The level of online presence and authority your business holds directly influences the approach you’ll take to improve your search engine rankings. Additionally, what resources you have to dedicate to SEO significantly impacts the execution of your strategy. Adequate resources allow for the implementation of comprehensive SEO tactics, including content creation, technical optimization, and link building. Furthermore, what industry you’re in plays a vital role in shaping your SEO strategy. Different industries have varying levels of competition, search volume, and user intent, necessitating tailored approaches to achieve optimal results. While social media followers can indirectly impact SEO by driving traffic and enhancing brand visibility, their direct influence on search engine rankings is relatively minimal compared to factors like online presence, resources, and industry dynamics. Therefore, considering these factors holistically enables businesses to develop effective SEO strategies that align with their objectives, capabilities, and competitive landscape, ultimately improving their online visibility and driving organic traffic.

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