Consider the line of code below. If you were to load a script in this way, what would be the result? {{ require_js(get_asset_url('./path/to/file.js'), { async: true }) }}

The script would be added to the head of the document with an async attribute.

The script would be added before the closing body tag with a defer attribute.

The script would be added to the head of the document with a defer attribute.

The script would be added before the closing body tag with an async attribute.

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Explanation: If you were to load a script using the line of code ‘{{ require_js(get_asset_url(’./path/to/file.js’), { async: true }) }}’, the result would be that the script would be added before the closing body tag with an async attribute. The ‘require_js’ function is typically used in platforms like HubSpot to include JavaScript files in web pages. When ‘async: true’ is specified as an option, it indicates that the script should be loaded asynchronously, meaning it will not block the rendering of the page while it’s being downloaded. Additionally, scripts loaded using ‘require_js’ are often placed just before the closing body tag by default to ensure faster page rendering and improve performance. This placement strategy allows the browser to parse and render the HTML content before downloading and executing JavaScript, resulting in a smoother user experience. Therefore, the script specified in the given line of code would be included in the webpage just before the closing body tag, and it would have the async attribute, indicating asynchronous loading.

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