Evaluate this hero statement: Jepsonite Security Systems is a hero to first-time homeowners who are in the market for a security system.

The persona isn’t specific enough.

The job to be done isn’t specific enough.

Both A and B.

No change needed.

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Explanation: The correct answer is The job to be done isn’t specific enough. While the hero statement effectively identifies the target audience—first-time homeowners in need of a security system—it lacks specificity regarding the job or problem these customers are trying to solve. The term ‘hero’ implies that the company fulfills a crucial need or aspiration for its customers, but it’s essential to articulate precisely what that need is. Without specifying the job to be done, such as providing peace of mind, ensuring the safety of their family and belongings, or offering easy installation and monitoring, the statement lacks clarity in communicating the value proposition of Jepsonite Security Systems. By clarifying the specific job or problem that the company addresses for first-time homeowners, the hero statement can better resonate with the target audience and differentiate the brand from competitors. Therefore, the provided answer correctly identifies the need for specificity in defining the job to be done within the hero statement to effectively communicate the value proposition of Jepsonite Security Systems.

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