Evaluate this SLA: Marketing will generate $50,000 in lead value every month.

This SLA’s requirements focus on the wrong activities.

This SLA’s requirements aren’t specific enough.

This SLA is missing a requirement.

No change needed.

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is This SLA is missing a requirement. While the SLA sets a specific target for the marketing department in terms of lead value generation, it lacks clarity regarding the responsibilities or commitments of other departments, particularly sales. An effective Service Level Agreement (SLA) typically involves mutual agreements or obligations between different departments or teams within an organization. In this case, without specifying how the generated leads will be handled or followed up by the sales team, there’s a crucial missing component in the SLA. For instance, it’s essential to outline criteria for lead qualification, lead handoff processes from marketing to sales, and expectations for lead conversion rates or sales targets. By incorporating these additional requirements, the SLA can ensure alignment and collaboration between marketing and sales teams, clarify expectations, and provide a framework for measuring and optimizing lead generation and conversion efforts. Therefore, while the SLA sets a specific target, it is indeed missing a requirement related to cross-functional collaboration and lead management processes, making the selected answer correct.

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