Fill in the blank: Once a search engine bot discovers your web page, it _______.

checks to see if the content is unique from its database of content

checks to see if it can read all forms of media included within the page

decides how relevant it is to certain search queries by indexing it based on signals like keywords used within it

adds a cookie to it to come back later if it intends to rank it in the top 100

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Explanation: The correct answer is decides how relevant it is to certain search queries by indexing it based on signals like keywords used within it. Once a search engine bot discovers a web page, it initiates the process of indexing, wherein it evaluates the page’s content and relevance to specific search queries. Indexing involves analyzing various signals, including keywords, metadata, and contextual relevance, to determine how well the page aligns with user search intent. By assessing these signals, search engine bots categorize and store the page in their index, making it eligible to appear in search results for relevant queries. This indexing process is essential for search engines to deliver accurate and relevant search results to users, ensuring that web pages are appropriately matched to user queries based on their content and relevance. Therefore, recognizing that search engine bots decide a page’s relevance to certain search queries by indexing it based on signals like keywords used within it is crucial for understanding how search engines rank and display web pages in search results.

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