Fill in the blank: The difference between digital advertising and organic marketing on social media platforms is that digital advertising is _____ and organic marketing is _____. Select all that apply.

paid; not paid

for ecommerce only; for all businesses

more targeted; less targeted

unhelpful; helpful

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answers are paid; not paid and more targeted; less targeted. These options accurately describe the difference between digital advertising and organic marketing on social media platforms. Digital advertising involves paying to promote content or advertisements on social media platforms, allowing businesses to reach a larger audience and target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors with precision. In contrast, organic marketing refers to the unpaid efforts of businesses to create and share content on social media platforms to engage with their audience and build relationships. While digital advertising offers more targeted options due to its ability to leverage advanced targeting features and paid placements, organic marketing relies on reaching audiences through non-paid means, resulting in less precise targeting. Therefore, these options correctly highlight the key distinctions between digital advertising and organic marketing on social media platforms in terms of payment and targeting capabilities.

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