What should you do with the leads in box 3?

Have marketing nurture them.

Have sales contact them.

Have both marketing and sales work with them.

Ignore them.

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below.

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Explanation: What should you do with the leads in box 3?

Explanation: The correct answer is " correct: trueHave marketing nurture them." Leads in box 3 typically represent prospects who have shown some level of interest but are not yet ready for direct sales engagement. These leads may require further education, relationship-building, or trust-building before they are ready to make a purchasing decision. As such, it's essential to have marketing nurture these leads through targeted campaigns, personalized content, and ongoing engagement efforts. Marketing can utilize tactics such as email drip campaigns, educational content, webinars, and social media interactions to provide value, build rapport, and move leads through the sales funnel. Nurturing leads in this way allows marketing to continue warming them up and maintaining their interest until they reach a point where they are ready to be handed off to the sales team for more direct sales engagement. By leveraging marketing to nurture leads in box 3, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts, improve conversion rates, and ultimately drive revenue growth. Therefore, the correct approach is to have marketing nurture these leads until they are sufficiently qualified and ready for sales outreach.

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