How long should your page's title tag be?

Under 60 characters

Under 120 characters

Over 60 characters

As long as possible

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below.

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Explanation: How long should your page’s title tag be?

Explanation: The correct answer is: **Under 60 characters**. Page title tags play a crucial role in SEO as they provide a concise and descriptive summary of the content of a webpage to both users and search engines. Keeping the title tag under 60 characters is recommended because search engines typically display only the first 50-60 characters of a title tag in search results. Therefore, adhering to this character limit ensures that the entirety of the title tag is visible to users, maximizing its effectiveness in conveying the relevance and context of the page's content and enticing users to click through. Additionally, shorter title tags tend to be more concise, focused, and memorable, making them easier for users to understand and engage with. By crafting title tags that are concise yet descriptive and include relevant keywords, website owners can improve the clickthrough rate (CTR) of their pages in search results and enhance their overall search visibility and performance. While longer title tags may still be indexed by search engines, they risk being truncated in search results, potentially diminishing their impact and effectiveness. Therefore, aiming to keep the page's title tag under 60 characters ensures optimal visibility, readability, and relevance, ultimately contributing to the success of the page's SEO efforts.

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