The following content distribution goal is missing a SMART goal element. What is missing? // Since we generated 300 leads from our previous e-Book, we want to generate 400 leads when we promote our next e-Book. This will support our inbound marketing initiatives to increase our number of qualified leads this year.





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Explanation: The following content distribution goal is missing a SMART goal element. What is missing? // Since we generated 300 leads from our previous e-Book, we want to generate 400 leads when we promote our next e-Book. This will support our inbound marketing initiatives to increase our number of qualified leads this year.

Explanation: The missing SMART goal element in the provided content distribution goal is **Time-bound**. While the goal mentions a specific numeric target (400 leads) and relates to increasing the number of qualified leads as part of inbound marketing initiatives, it lacks a clear timeframe or deadline for achieving this objective. Without a time-bound component, it's challenging to track progress, prioritize tasks, and hold the team accountable. Adding a deadline would make the goal more actionable and provide a sense of urgency, helping to focus efforts and allocate resources effectively. Therefore, ensuring that goals are time-bound is essential for setting realistic expectations, driving motivation, and ultimately achieving success in content distribution and marketing endeavors.

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