How does the full path attribution model calculate credit?

Equal credit is assigned to all interactions that occurred before the conversion.

22.5% of credit to the first interaction, the interaction that created the contact, the interaction that created the deal, and to the interaction that closed the deal. The final 10% is assigned to the remaining interactions evenly.

More credit is given to interactions that happen closer in time to the conversion.

All credit is assigned to the last interaction that led to a conversion like a closed won deal.

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Explanation: How does the full path attribution model calculate credit?

Explanation: The full path attribution model distributes credit across various interactions along the buyer's journey, allocating **22.5% of credit** to several key touchpoints. Specifically, this model acknowledges the significance of the first interaction, the one that initiates contact, the interaction responsible for creating the deal, and finally, the interaction that culminates in the deal's closure, each receiving an equal share of 22.5% credit. The remaining interactions divide the remaining 10% credit evenly. This approach ensures that multiple touchpoints contributing to a conversion receive due recognition, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the buyer's journey and the effectiveness of each stage in influencing the final outcome. By recognizing the importance of various interactions throughout the entire process, businesses can make more informed decisions regarding resource allocation and marketing strategy adjustments to optimize their overall performance and conversion rates.

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