Which of the following is NOT a system template?

Blog listing page template

404 template

Password prompt template

Search results template

Choose an option to see if it’s correct. Check the explanation below.

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Explanation: Which of the following is NOT a system template?

Explanation: The correct answer is the **Blog listing page template**. System templates are pre-designed templates provided by the CMS or framework for specific functionalities or pages commonly found in websites, such as error pages, password prompts, or search results. They serve as a foundation for building and customizing pages with consistent styling and functionality. The 404 template is used to display when a requested page is not found, the password prompt template is utilized to prompt users for authentication when accessing restricted content, and the search results template presents the results of a search query. However, the Blog listing page template is typically a custom template created for displaying a list of blog posts on a website, rather than a system template provided by the CMS or framework. It allows for the customization of how blog posts are presented and organized, such as by date, category, or author. Therefore, while the other options listed are examples of system templates designed to handle specific functionalities or scenarios, the Blog listing page template stands out as a custom template typically created by developers or content creators to meet the specific needs and design requirements of a website's blog section.

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