When is a session or contact bucketed under “Paid search” in HubSpot?

When a visitor comes from your paid search advertising campaigns‌ — ‌like from your Google Ads

When a visitor comes from advertising campaigns made on social media websites or apps (like TikTok, LinkedIn, or Instagram)

When a visitor comes from any agency partner you’ve hired or consulted with historically

When a visitor has a paid subscription to a blog (like Medium) or news site and is then directed to your website from an article link

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Explanation: The correct answer is When a visitor comes from your paid search advertising campaigns‌ — ‌like from your Google Ads. In HubSpot’s analytics, a session or contact is bucketed under ‘Paid search’ when a visitor arrives at your website as a result of clicking on an advertisement within a paid search campaign. This typically includes ads displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs), such as those created through platforms like Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords). Paid search campaigns involve bidding on specific keywords relevant to your business and creating ads that appear when users search for those keywords on search engines. When users click on these ads, they are directed to your website, and their sessions or interactions are categorized under ‘Paid search’ in HubSpot’s reporting. This categorization allows marketers to track the effectiveness and ROI of their paid search efforts, monitor key metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates, and optimize their campaigns accordingly. Therefore, the selected answer is correct because it accurately describes the conditions under which sessions or contacts are attributed to the ‘Paid search’ source in HubSpot’s analytics, focusing on visits originating from paid search advertising campaigns like Google Ads.

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