When it comes to social listening, how do you know which social networks to start with?

Start with the social networks your buyer personas use to learn about and interact with brands.

Facebook has over two billion monthly active users, so start there.

Create an account on all of them, and see which ones your audience gravitates towards.

If you haven’t started your social presence by now, unfortunately it’s too late.

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘Start with the social networks your buyer personas use to learn about and interact with brands.’ When embarking on social listening, it’s crucial to prioritize the social networks where your target audience is most active and engaged. By understanding your buyer personas—the fictional representations of your ideal customers—and their preferences, behaviors, and online habits, you can identify the platforms where they are likely to congregate, seek information, and engage with brands. This approach ensures that your social listening efforts are focused and targeted, allowing you to gather meaningful insights, monitor relevant conversations, and identify opportunities to engage with your audience effectively. Starting with the social networks favored by your buyer personas enables you to allocate resources efficiently and maximize the impact of your social listening efforts, ultimately supporting your marketing objectives and driving business growth. Therefore, by prioritizing the social networks where your target audience is most active and engaged, you can lay a solid foundation for effective social listening and derive actionable insights to inform your marketing strategies and decision-making processes.

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