When setting up your knowledge base in HubSpot, you need to connect your _______.

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Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The selected answer, ‘domain,’ is correct because when setting up a knowledge base in HubSpot, connecting your domain is a crucial step to ensure that the knowledge base is accessible to your users through a branded and customized URL. By connecting your domain, you establish a professional and cohesive online presence, aligning your knowledge base with your brand identity. This customization not only enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of your knowledge base but also makes it easier for users to recognize and remember your website. Additionally, connecting your domain enables you to maintain consistency across all customer touchpoints, including your website, knowledge base, and other digital assets. It ensures a seamless user experience and reinforces your brand’s authority in providing valuable information and support to your audience. Therefore, connecting your domain is a fundamental step in setting up your knowledge base in HubSpot, enabling you to establish a branded and accessible platform for sharing knowledge and assisting your users effectively.

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