When should you transition to the explore phase?

After you’ve confirmed the buyer’s budget and authority

When the buyer answers one of your calls or emails

When the buyer confirms they’re interested in discussing a goal or challenge with you

As soon as you begin researching the buyer’s context and needs

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Explanation: The correct answer is When the buyer confirms they’re interested in discussing a goal or challenge with you. Transitioning to the explore phase of the sales process should occur when the buyer indicates a genuine interest in engaging further by expressing a willingness to discuss their goals or challenges. This confirmation serves as an important signal that the buyer is open to exploring potential solutions and is actively seeking assistance in addressing their needs. It marks the beginning of a deeper conversation focused on understanding the buyer’s specific situation, objectives, pain points, and desired outcomes. Engaging at this stage allows the salesperson to gather valuable insights that will inform the subsequent phases of the sales process, ensuring that any proposed solutions are tailored to meet the buyer’s unique requirements effectively. Furthermore, initiating the explore phase based on the buyer’s interest demonstrates a customer-centric approach, prioritizing their needs and preferences while fostering a collaborative and consultative relationship.

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