When using the 1-10 closing technique, what should you do if your prospect gives you number lower than six?

Back up to the explore phase of your inbound sales strategy and figure out what you missed.

End the meeting as quickly as possible and stop pursuing that lead.

Offer them a discount.

Split the difference and recalculate the lead value.

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Explanation: The selected answer, Back up to the explore phase of your inbound sales strategy and figure out what you missed, is the most appropriate course of action when a prospect rates their interest or satisfaction with a solution below six in the 1-10 closing technique. This response acknowledges the importance of revisiting the explore phase to identify any crucial information or insights that may have been overlooked or misunderstood during earlier interactions. By going back to the explore phase, the salesperson can delve deeper into the prospect’s needs, goals, challenges, and objections, as well as clarify any misunderstandings or address any concerns that may have contributed to the low rating. This approach demonstrates a commitment to understanding the prospect’s perspective and adapting the sales approach accordingly, with the ultimate goal of building rapport, trust, and alignment with the prospect’s requirements. It also provides an opportunity to refine the sales strategy and tailor the solution more effectively to the prospect’s specific needs, thereby increasing the likelihood of securing a successful outcome in future interactions.

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