When you identify an active buyer, what stage of the buyer’s journey will they most often be in?

The awareness stage

The consideration stage

The decision stage

The inbound stage

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The selected answer, The awareness stage, is correct because an active buyer typically enters the buyer’s journey at this initial stage. During the awareness stage, the buyer becomes aware of a problem or need they have, sparking their interest in finding a solution. They may recognize symptoms of an issue or encounter a challenge that prompts them to seek information or explore potential options. At this point, the buyer is researching and gathering information to better understand their problem and the available solutions. They may be conducting online searches, reading articles, or seeking recommendations from peers or online communities. Since active buyers are actively seeking information and are at the early stages of problem recognition and solution exploration, they are most likely to be found in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey. Therefore, identifying an active buyer often means engaging with them during this initial stage to provide relevant information, establish credibility, and guide them through their journey towards making a purchasing decision.

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