Which of the following factors is NOT important to determine during the website goals step?

The number of high-impact pages required to build on the new website.

The target goals for each key performance indicator (KPI).

The omissions.

The key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be measured.

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Explanation: The correct answer is The number of high-impact pages required to build on the new website. When determining website goals, it’s crucial to focus on aspects directly related to the overarching objectives and performance metrics of the website. Factors like setting target goals for each key performance indicator (KPI), identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be measured, and determining omissions—areas where the current website is falling short—are all critical in shaping the strategic direction of the website. However, the number of high-impact pages required to build is more of a tactical consideration that comes into play during the execution phase rather than the initial goal-setting phase. While the importance of page structure and content hierarchy can influence user experience and conversion rates, these considerations are typically addressed during the planning and execution stages rather than the initial goal-setting phase, where the focus is on defining overarching objectives and measurable outcomes. Therefore, it’s not a priority factor during the website goals step.

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