Which of the following HubL and HubDB behaviors should be avoided if possible?

Use a filter query to reduce the data returned from a request.

Use the reject attribute filter to create subsets of table data from an initial request.

Use multiple requests to the same table to build complex templates.

Use loops to access data in multi-select columns.

Certification program: 👉 HubSpot academy certification exams

Explanation: The correct answer is Use multiple requests to the same table to build complex templates. While HubL and HubDB offer powerful capabilities for retrieving and manipulating data within the HubSpot CMS, using multiple requests to the same table to build complex templates can lead to inefficiencies and performance issues if not carefully managed. Each request to a HubDB table incurs additional processing overhead, potentially impacting the page load times and user experience, especially on pages with high traffic or extensive data retrieval needs. Instead, developers should aim to optimize data retrieval by minimizing the number of requests and leveraging features like filter queries and attribute filters to refine dataset selections and create subsets of data as needed. By reducing the number of requests and optimizing data retrieval strategies, developers can improve the performance and scalability of their HubSpot-based solutions while maintaining a responsive and efficient user experience. Therefore, avoiding the practice of using multiple requests to the same table to build complex templates helps ensure optimal performance and resource utilization within the HubSpot CMS environment.

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